The Trouble With Curve

The Trouble with Curve: How to gracefully handle being let down 


By Evan L. Jackson
So you like this woman you’ve been seeing, “talking to”, or let’s just say dating off and on for months. You’re still unsure if she likes you and suddenly she steps up to the mound... STRIKE! You’re out, kid. She hits you with the infamous curve. It might be coded in euphemisms. She might use the softest pillows to lay your hopes of landing her to rest but it still hurts. Now, how do you handle it? Simple really. Just move on. Not every woman you like is going to automatically fall for you. Even it if it takes a while for her to figure it out there is still a possibility she doesn’t feel you’re right for her. Nothing is worse than a man asking a woman why she isn’t willing to give him a second chance. It’s like arguing with an umpire. Serves no purpose and only makes you look bad. So brush off that last at bat and only hope for the best with the next woman. And usually how you handle a situation defines your character not how many women turn you down. So eventually you’ll find that girl but for now, watch out for the curve!


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